Kleinheincz Léna (Magdolna)
painter artist
Painter artist, a MANK member for visual arts.
I was born in Budapest, 22 October 1949. My parents now only live in my heart.
My father was an amazing violin player, I learned to love arts from him and my mother, but almost every family member is involved in some form of art.
I worked as an architect for many years, first at a design agency, later in Germany, in the field of real estate development, and then in Hungary, as manager of an Austrian real estate developer company.
Besides my profession, I started to draw when I was 25 at the Désy Huber Arts Class and at a preparatory course for the Hungarian College of Arts and Crafts, and then I applied to the Faculty of Painting and Interior Design. Sadly, due to my religious views (and my family background) I was not accepted, and I had to look for different ways to achieve my goal. I continued my studies at the David Free School of Arts, where I learned from the Hungarian painter artist, Ágnes Németh. She is a brilliant academic teacher who taught me a lot about anatomy. I acquired a number of techniques from her, including oil, watercolour use, and she introduced me to the astonishing world of colours. Other masters I have learned from:
Tamás Horváth, who helped me improve my knowledge of anatomy and painting techniques.
Gábor Radóczy Gyarmati, I studied at his academy.
Further masters: Zoltán Székács, János Sebestyén, Klára Végsheő.
In 2010 I did my panting valuer exam at KOGART Art Fund. This helped me further broaden my knowledge about art.
My most important sources of inspiration are people and music. I almost always listen to music while painting, some of my works were inspired by a specific piece of music. I make figurative and non-figurative paintings, and sometimes I find my path by mixing the two. It also varies whether I use oil or watercolour. And the message – at least I hope – is almost always beyond the material world, and it tries to open a way to our transcendent selves. In my works I try to show the wonderful world of music in colours and shapes, but I also try to add something extra, something that is only given by sounds and colours through me – I hope those who see my paintings can feel this.
My artistic credo:
“My belief comes from the mosaics of disbelief” – Hemingway
Using colours and my surreal world, I would like to convey a message about something that is not merely material
My favourite techniques: oil, watercolour.
A szív színei (Kleinheincz Csilla verse)
A prizma a színeket titokká oldja.
Lelkedben a szín: elrejtett szivárvány
- kifolyik olykor vígzölden, búsárgán.
Szépia csendje és földbarna komorja
fest neked életet kurta vászonodra:
lehetsz gúnyrajz, mást vidító nevetés,
vagy Dalí, Picasso, festhet színzenész;
de mint a prizma, mely a fényt szétbontja,
fordítva a színből fehér sugárt mos,
légy te is teljes, minden színnel gazdag,
kárminszerelmes és bíborharagos,
míg ecsetedből a szálak kiszakadnak,
s a mosoly arcodról a vásznadra hull:
szomorúbarna és boldogságazúr.
I am always open to constructive criticism :)